

A Message of Welcome From The Worshipful Master

Thank you for visiting this Lodge’s website. Please stay a while to browse through the various links shown above my message. There you will find a mine of information about, not only our Lodge, but also freemasonry and its charities.

All freemasons, being members of recognised Craft Lodges at home and abroad, are most welcome to come along as visitors to this historic Lodge. You have the choice of dining with us or just attending our meetings.

The membership of our Lodge is open to Grand Officers and Installed Masters of or in a London Lodge. Our aim is to extend a warm welcome to everyone who attends and to provide ‘edutainment’, that is education about freemasonry and worldly matters in an entertaining and enjoyable format. As you will read in other parts of this website, freemasonry does much good for society. At our meetings we enjoy freemasonry in a most happy atmosphere. It is quite likely that if you do visit us and are qualified to join, you will be asking the Secretary for a joining form – however, there is no obligation to do so.

In the meantime, please take the time to enjoy your visit here on our website.


W Bro John Hubbard  PSGD
Worshipful Master